Saturday, June 16, 2007

Compendium Review Unit 1 Topic 1: Cells

Basic Characteristics of Life:

According to wikipedia life is defined as a multi-faceted concept. Life may refer to the ongoing process of which living things are a part; the period between the birth (or a point at which the entity can be considered to be living) and death of an organism; the condition of an entity that has been born (or reached the point in its existence at which it can be established to be alive) and has yet to die; and that which makes a living thing alive.

When you think of life typically you think of humans and animals. We sometimes forget that plants are also among the living. Living things are:
* organized from atoms to the biosphere.
* take materials and energy from the environment.
* reproduce; they produce offspring that resemble themselves.
* grow and develop by undergoing various stages from fertilization to death.
* are homeostatic; internal conditions stay about the same.
* respond to stimuli; the react to external and internal changes.
* have an evolutionary history and have adapted modifications to a particular way of life.

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