Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Human Life Cycle

There are four stages of the human life cycle.

Stage 1 Infancy - Birth to two years. During this time you learn coordination- walking and talking. Teeth grow rapidly. The head is out of proportion to the body during this time.

Stage 2 Childhood - Two years to adolescence (puberty). Bones and teeth grow rapidly and baby teeth are replaced with permanent teeth. Intellectual skills are developed.

Stage 3 Adolescence - Puberty happens. Some changes you may notice are acne, pubic hair, boys voices will deepen and girls will start their menstrual cycle. This is sometimes an emotionally distressing time for teens.

Stage 4 Adulthood - Body starts to slow down. Hair may start to fall out, physical activity decreases. You will start to notice physical differences in your skin as it loses it elasticity.

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